
July 16, 2023 View single note

Today is my 15th anniversary since I joined Twitter. It was not as meaningful to me this year as I used it less and I mourn what it has become.

It use to be such an important place for me to connect to the Web community (web practitioners). I connected with a lot of great people over the years. But a lot of those people have left and it is no longer a valuable resource to me.

I still pop in once in a while. It still helps me to keep up with some of my favorite sports teams and there are still some people posting to the platform that I care about.

It was also the place where I started using the moniker of “webcraftsman.”

July 3, 2023 View single note

My wife and I watched La La Land on Netflix tonight. We both really enjoyed it. The romantic in me did not like the ending. I won’t spoil it. Felt like a classic Hollywood musical.

July 3, 2023 View single note

On Saturday, my wife was asking me if I remembered the name of a hotel we stayed at in Florence when we visited there in 1997. I did not. But I remembered something about it being a monastery in the past. A Google map search did not help me find it. I remembered that we had to cross the river to get to the center of town and that the Ponte Vecchio was the next bridge in one direction.

I looked through my box of things that I kept from that year (we lived in Debrecen, Hungary for nine months). I came across this artistic card with the Duomo and figured that it must be it. I looked it up on Google Maps and it is where I expected it to be. It comes up on Google Maps as Foresteria Valdese di Firenze. And I found their website.

We stayed in Florence (Firenze) for a couple of days after spending Christmas in the Swiss Alps. The hotel was really nice. Much better than the accommodations we ended up with in Rome. I loved Firenze. Just walking around the streets was a visual feast as winding streets opened up to vistas of different landmarks.

My son’s girlfriend just got back from a trip to Italy and Florence was her favorite of the places they visited. That got my wife thinking about the time we spent in Italy which led to the question that led me down memory lane as I went through my box of mementos.

June 29, 2023 View single note

Last night I was playing MLB The Show and Mike Trout stole a 2 run homer from me much like he did in a game today. It is almost the same location in deep center field.

And then he led off the next inning and hit a solo homer. I eventually lost the game as the Angels came back and beat my Rays.

I had something similar happen when I was playing four years ago. I robbed a homer from the Padres while controlling Brett Phillips on June 5 (I had traded for him while playing with the Braves). And then on July 29th, Phillips robbed a Yankee of a homerun when he was playing with the Royals.

June 21, 2023 View single note

My eldest daughter, who is visiting from Nashville this week, and I visited my youngest daughter at work last night at Sourdough Cup of Joe, which serves Nana’s frozen custard. Third straight week I have dropped in on my daughter at work and enjoyed a tasty treat.

June 1, 2023 View single note

The second movie was as good or better than the first. The movie was so visually rich and had a great story. I can’t wait to see it again and to see part 2 in nine months.

May 26, 2023 View single note

My son finished up the first week of his summer internship at Flywheel. They hired him as a motion designer to make promotional videos for the company. They were really impressed by the video he made last year documenting his creative process of creating branding for the HSP production of The Grand Duke. It is a great opportunity as they are giving him a lot of creative freedom.