About Me

I am a front-end developer, which simply means that I build websites created a designer. A simple definition for a complex job I love.
Webcraftsman is not just my online handle. It describes me to a “t.” I put my heart and soul into every design I code. My craftsmanship is embodied in my style, dedication, and attention to detail.
I have over 15 years of experience. I have worked across a spectrum of teams including an international non-profit, one of the largest consumer publishing groups in the world, several boutique agencies, and as an independent contractor. Consistent in all these experiences is my desire to create beautiful products that help tell a client’s story and move the audience to action.
My wife and I live in Chattanooga, Tennessee with our three children. I enjoy reading, sketchnoting, playing sports-based video games, cheering on my favorite baseball or soccer teams, being involved in my church community, and spending time with my family.
The defining thing about my life is my Christian faith. It shapes all that I do.
You can contact me at webcraftsman@jeffbridgforth.com.