March 8, 2024

My son is in Uppsala, Sweden this weekend. I am so jealous. I would love to go to Sweden someday. I knew several Swedish exchange students who went to my high school. Two of them played on the soccer team with me.

I tried to track them down today. One of them was a bit easier to find because he stayed with a good friend of mine so I was able to track him down on Facebook. I took a long shot and reached out to a Joakim Axelsson who was about the right age to have been the Swedish friend I was looking for. Joakim wrote back and told me that he encouraged my efforts but he was not the Joakim I was looking for.

I also found someone that might be my friend, Svante, on Facebook. There were only a couple of pictures and the account doesn’t look like it has been touched in some time. My friend had red hair and the man in the pictures also had red hair.

I am excited that I will be traveling to Europe at the end of April. My son and I are going to visit Budapest and Barcelona. Hungary is a special place in my heart so I get to show him around there and he will show me around Barcelona. It will be my first time back in Europe in 17 years.