Weeknotes 23:38
November 13, 2023
Week of November 5–11
- I refactored a block layout for a site we launched in October. The site promotes a financial institution’s small business training program. The layout was modified late in the project while I was out of the office. I realized the layout did not quite match the mocked-up solution as I was preparing for WordPress training with the client. I used a combination of CSS grid layout and container queries to implement the correct layout.

.wp-block-lgnd-three-cards {
container-type: inline-size;
.wp-block-lgnd-three-cards .layout-container {
column-gap: 3.669cqw;
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
grid-template-rows: 3.669cqw auto 3.669cqw 7.338cqw 3.669cqw auto 3.669cqw;
- I trained our client to manage the content of the site. There were about a dozen people on the call who will be tasked with updating content. We also have a maintenance and hosting agreement with the client so we will be able to make big changes to the site. I gave them a tour of the WordPress blocks that we had created for the site and showed them how easy it was to update the content.
- I gave input on the design for a new project for the Toyota Policy Driver’s site as part of our team’s review process. I have already been working with the designer to discuss ideas and I prototyped an element last week. The project should hit my desk for development work later this coming week.
- I finished a post that I had started back in September. I have wanted to put together a list of my all-time Tampa Bay Rays team since about mid-summer. The Rays celebrated their 25th anniversary this summer and I have been following the team since 2009. I enjoyed remembering different moments that I have enjoyed over the past 14 years of being a Rays fan.
- I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy on Friday as a follow-up to a meeting with my doctor after I visited the ER in August. It was the first time I have had either of these procedures. I will meet with my doctor after Thanksgiving to discuss the results and determine the next steps.
Articles I read
- A memex in every web browser (Jeremy Keith)
- Owning Your Web (Michelle Barker) – Michelle talks about why she picked the URL for her site. It is in response to a newsletter by Matthias Ott.
- Thoughtful (Chris Coyier) – Chris shares a compelling reason to blog from Tantek Celik.
- National Blog Posting Month (Michelle Barker) – I read several of Michelle’s posts this week as she is trying to post something every day during November. I liked these shorter posts and need to consider doing more of those myself.
- Leaving Twitter Behind (Michelle Barker)
- How the Customer Review Changed the World
- Sit With Your Anxiety
- Grow in Contentment Through Worship
- Mercilessness in the Name of Mercy
- You May Not Need Progressive Enhancement, The Term (Scott Jehl) – Scott reasons why we might need to ditch the term “progressive enhancement” and talk more about the outcomes that progressive enhancement achieves.
- (Don’t) Mind the Gap (Michelle Barker) – A look at the
property in Flexbox layouts. - Connecting the Dots (Viget) – Some ideas on creating spaces for new employees to connect the dots on company history and culture.
- Code Gardening (Michelle Barker)
- Advice on Blogging (Jim Nielson)
- How I’m using the fragments of social media now (Andy Bell) – It is interesting to see how others are approaching social media in the demise of Twitter and the fragmentation of the social media landscape.
- Could this goofy cartoon could help doctors save lives in the OR? (Fast Company) – A colleague shared this link in our company Slack this week. The article brought to mind things that I read in User Friendly about creating better interfaces and from Black Box Thinking, which contrasted how the airline industry and medical profession differed in their approach to learning from failure.
- Polarised: Gunning Down Activists and Tearing Down Posters (Stephen McAlpine)
- Addressing Accessibility Concerns With Using Fluid Type (Smashing Magazine) – I am grateful for this warning about how using
fluid type strategies can cause accessibility problems. I will admit that the math in the article was a bit intimidating. I am glad that there is an online tool that can help me avoid the maths. - Creativity (Jeremy Keith)
- Wilco Loft Sans (Dan Cederholm) – I enjoyed reading Dan’s story of how his newest font came about. It was a very personal project for him.
- Run. Retaliate. Repress. (Paul David Tripp)
- Surprising Facts about New CSS Selectors (CloudFour)
- My process when starting a new job – Tips from an independent consultant on starting a new position or a new contract project.
- The poster’s guide to the internet of the future (The Verge) – A discussion of POSSE and owning your content.
- Beginning to think about Generative AI
- Bills legend Jim Kelly used to be mad about all he’d lost. Now he focuses on what he’s found (The Athletic)
- Update on the COP28 Website (Michelle Barker)
- Indie Web Camp Nuremberg (Jeremy Keith)
- Prone to Dechurch, Lord I Feel It (Trevin Wax) – Though I have not “de-churched”, I found this article interesting, and caused me to think about my spiritual journey over the past four years as the pandemic changed our family’s relationship with a church.
- Half a decade since I went independent again (Andy Bell)
What I watched
True parallax with CSS-only is now possible (Kevin Powell) – I started watching this video last week and didn’t finish it. Intriguing idea and I may try to get back and finish watching the video.
The problem with mobile-first CSS (Kevin Powell) – I made it about 1/3 of the way through this one. I agree with Kevin that mobile-first is not always the best strategy. I have employed techniques like Kevin shows in the video to add code in a media query. I like the idea of finding strategies to write the least amount of code. It does not make sense to mobile-first if you are having to write a lot of code to overwrite things for a mobile nav once you go to the desktop. Better to put mobile nav code in the media query because desktop code is probably simpler.
- The Great British Baking Show – Collection 11 (Netflix)
- Project Runway Season 5 (Prime)
- Bluey (Disney+)
- Loki (Disney+)
- Gilmore Girls (Netflix) – I watched a lot of episodes near the end of the week as I prepped for my colonoscopy on Thursday.
- Mission: Impossible (Netflix)
Books I am reading
- Think Again – I finished this book on Saturday. I enjoyed the read and am still thinking about the things I read in this book.
- The Loveliest Place: The Beauty and Glory of the Church
- Making Sense of God
- Trusting God – I am revisiting a book that shaped a lot of my thinking about God’s sovereignty and trusting Him through difficult times that I encounter. I have read this book at several stages of my Christian journey. I am re-reading it as part of the Biblical counseling that I am currently engaged in. I last read it in 2016.
- You Are Not Your Own – I started this book on Sunday.