Weeknotes 25:07

Posted 4 days ago

Week of February 9–15

Learning/Development this week

  • I started working through Module 3 (React Hooks) in The Joy of React course
  • I figured out how to add an active class to links using Navigation plugin for Craft CMS. It was not as much work as I initially thought. I thought I would have to write a lot of code and it ended up being a very simple conditional, {% if node.active %} class="active"{% endif %}.
  • I figured out how to set up RSS feeds for my WordPress to Craft personal project. I used an older article on the Craft site, RSS and Atom Feeds, to create the templates I needed. I just had to update one of the variables {{ entry.body }} to {{ entry.postContent }}.
  • I created my first custom WordPress block for this site. I created a new block to replace a Twitter post embed that I had used in the past on the site. With the demise of Twitter, I wanted a way to archive Twitter content that I had posted on the site that did not rely on that service any longer. I had to review the WordPress Block Creator Course because I was a bit rusty at building blocks. I used the new block to replace content on my article, Cookies from New York. I plan to replace other content in the coming weeks.
  • I added a walking calendar to my 2024 in Review post. I had originally created it in Codepen. It was based of a graphic from the Strava mobile app. It was a nice at a glance resource to visualize how often I walked each month.

The power of networking

About mid-week, a friend of mine called. He called from a Florida number and I don’t normally answer Florida numbers (that are not contacts) because they are usually spam but I decided to pick up. He asked me if I was still looking for a job and I told him that I was. He knew of someone who needed a front-end developer. He introduced us over email and I had a thirty meeting get to know you Zoom call the next day. The call was positive and we are moving forward with next steps this week.

My friend mentioned that he had remembered that I had posted on LinkedIn in December and that is why he thought of me. It was a good reminder to keep it in front of people. I had posted to let people know I was looking for a new opportunity about once a quarter last year and also messaged people to ask for their help as I was searching. It was an encouragement to see some return on my investment. But more encouraging is how willing people are to help because of investments I have made in individual relationships.

The Agony of Defeat

Sunday’s Super Bowl was difficult to watch as a Chiefs fan. Nothing seemed to go right. They could not get it going on offense as the Eagles defense just dominated. The game felt a lot like Super Bowl 55 four years ago. That game had been one of the most painful sporting events I had ever watched. Sunday’s game was just as painful.

Read more of my thoughts about the game in The Agony of Defeat.

Articles I read

What I watched

Books I am reading

Walking – 16.89 miles

Strava badge for walking 50K this month. The badge has a running shoe at the center inside a "badge" shape with the Strava logo in the top right and 50K in an oval in the bottom left. The background of the badge is a dark green with foreground colors of yellow (running shoe).

I completed a 50K walking challenge for February on Strava this week.

  • Monday – 4.2 miles in 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Wednesday – 3.69 miles in 1 hour six minutes (I walked in the rain)
  • Thursday – 4.35 miles in 1 hour 18 minutes
  • Saturday – 4.65 miles in 1 hour 21 minutes

What I played

Brandon Lowe walked off Game 1 with his second homer of the game.
  • MLB The Show 23 (Rays) – I played 2 World Series games this week. I won each one of them. The I won both games on walk-off homeruns. The first game in 10 innings and the second game, I hit a three-run homer with 2 outs in the ninth. I lead the series against the Braves 2-0.
  • NBA 2K25 (Nuggets) – I went 5-1 this week with the Nuggets. I am having a lot of fun playing this game that I bought with birthday money in December. I hit a buzzer beater at the half from half court in the game I played on Saturday.

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