2024 in Pictures

December 31, 2024

My son in front of Casa Battlo in Barcelona.
A screenshot of my new website design.
Picture of several members of the Kansas City Chiefs with Super Bowl trophy.
Picture of me holding a black, white, and brown colored guinea pig with short hair. Picture taken inside our mini-van on the road trip we picked up two rescues for my oldest daughter.
Selfie of myself and youngest daughter in theater to see Dune 2
Picture of sunrise through trees with a green field in the foreground surrounded by low wooden post fence.
Picture of me posing on the Chain Bridge in Budapest with Buda Castle to the right.
Picture of my friend Laci and I with base of a statue in the background at Buda Castle in Budapest.
Picture of my son and I in front of St. Stephens Cathedral in Budapest.
Picture of my son and I in front on the yellow and red stain glass at Sagrada Família in Barcelona
My daughter posing with her mortar board on her graduation day from high school
My daughter and I in front of the bell tower on the campus of Trevecca Nazerene University
Book cover of Waiting Isn't a Waste
Picture of my son and I at Murray State with grass hill behind us and his dormitory on top of that hill at the top of the picture
My daughter and I in front of wall of Infinity Flux painted with their logo in a comic book style
Picture of my family + son's girlfriend in front of painted glass window of Rudy's Restaurant in Murray, Kentucky. Picture taken at night and we are all wearing hoodies and fleece jackets
My daughter in a crossing guard uniform with one arm up to stop traffic. She was performing in "Coffee for Miles"
Selfie of my son and myself at UTC basketball game. We are in the foreground with the court in the background and a Jumbotron at the top just off to the left.
Screenshot of the Craft CMS website
Selfie of me and my three kids waiting to watch War of the Rohirrim in the movie theater.
  1. My son spent the spring in Spain doing study abroad.
  2. I launched a new design on my website that included a light and dark theme.
  3. The Chiefs won their second straight Super Bowl and third in five years.
  4. I went on a road trip with my 2 daughters to help my oldest adopt 2 guinea pigs.
  5. I saw Dune 2 at IMAX with my youngest.
  6. My wife and I joined a church in our neighborhood. I attended a men’s retreat.
  7. Back in Budapest on my favorite bridge.
  8. Reunion with a treasured friend. I met Laci on my first trip to Hungary.
  9. Enjoyed spending time with my son in Budapest and Barcelona.
  10. Got to experience Sagrada Família in Barcelona.
  11. My youngest graduated.
  12. My oldest started a new job at Trevecca Nazerene University.
  13. A friend bought me the book, Waiting Isn’t a Waste. The book helped me to walk through a challenging year.
  14. I helped my son move back into his dorm at Murray State.
  15. My daughter started college. We celebrated her birthday at Infinity Flux comic book store.
  16. Family Weekend at Murray State.
  17. My youngest performs in her first college production as Officer Ant.
  18. My son and I took in a basketball game at UTC at Thanksgiving.
  19. I reacquainted myself with Craft CMS.
  20. I enjoyed celebrating my birthday by seeing The War of the Rohirram with my kids.

1 Comment

  1. 2024 year in review links – ntdln

    February 6th, 2025

    […] 2024 in Pictures […]

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