Return to Hungary
April 28, 2024

It has meant so much to me to be back in Hungary. I am here for four days with my son, who recently finished his semester of study abroad in Barcelona.
I first came to Hungary in 1990 as a college student. I spent the summer here with other American students as part of a Campus Crusade for Christ summer project. I came back with my wife for a summer in 1996. The next year (97-98), we lived in Eastern Hungary in Debrecen for nine months working with Campus Crusade. During that year, we made many trips to Budapest, both for business and pleasure. The sights, smells, and auditory references I have experienced the pasr two days have brought me back to those days.
This is my eighth trip to Hungary but my first as a tourist. It has been 17 years since my last visit. A lot has changed but there is so much that feels like coming back home. This country has a special place in my heart. I have enjoyed sharing it with my son the past two days.

Today we enjoyed having lunch with my friend, Laci, and his two sons. Laci and I met on my first trip here in 1990 and have enjoyed many reunions when I have come back to Hungary and when he was in the States. We have stayed in touch through snail mail, email, AIM, Skype, and other video call services over these long years. It was so good to see him face-to-face today. It was fun to be together with our sons this afternoon.

I am so happy to be here. I love just walking the streets, riding the Metro, and being in this beautiful city again. It makes my heart full just to take it all in.
I am looking forward to meeting with two more friends tomorrow that I met in Debrecen. One was a teammate and the other was a student in Debrecen. They both work with Cru in Hungary.
I love the Up Hotel that we are staying at. I love the neighborhood. I have enjoyed sitting in a park next to the hotel at the end of the last two days reviewing photos and people-watching.
I have enjoyed our first two days and look forward to the rest of my time here before exploring Barcelona for four days. I look forward to having my son show me “his” city and I have shown him mine.
Note: I wrote and edited this post on my phone. It is my first time using the Gutenberg editor on a device other than my laptop. I was very impressed with the mobile experience. I did not have my laptop on the trip, so writing a quick post while in Budapest was nice.
Weekly Links 04.29–05.05 – ntdln
May 6th, 2024
[…] Return to Hungary (Jeff Bridgforth) […]