Weeknotes 24:23
June 30, 2024
Week of June 16–22

Seeing The Two Towers in a theater again
I celebrated Father’s Day by seeing The Two Towers in a movie theater. Fathom Events had special screenings of all three of The Lord of The Rings movies in June. They showed them on successful days and it only worked out for us to see The Two Towers on Sunday. We had watched The Fellowship of the Ring the previous week at home.
I got chills right away from the opening scene that relives Gandalf’s fall in Moria. These movies are best experienced in a movie theater with a big screen and surround sound. The Lord of the Rings is one of my favorite stories. I enjoyed losing myself in Middle Earth once again.
My youngest daughter had not seen The Lord of the Rings movies so this is her first experience. She has wanted to watch them with me in the last few years, but we have not made the time. She enjoyed seeing at least one of them in the theater and finally experiencing a story that meant so much to her dad. My son had watched the movies with me at least once in the past and we had played a LEGO version of the storyline on the PlayStation.
Strawberry Moon

I enjoyed an impromptu time with my kids on Friday night. There was a strawberry moon and my kids wanted to see it. We took a ride in our van to see it because the moon was behind a ridge to the southeast of our house. We drove about 10 minutes down the road where we could view it from a parking lot. By the time we got home, the moon had risen enough for us to view it from our driveway. My son took some pictures with his camera. I enjoyed the fun adventure with my kids.
Follow-up to scroll “bounce” post
I wrote a follow-up post to my December post, Fix scroll “bounce” with CSS. I have learned some things since that first post and wanted to pass along a couple of gotchas with trying to fix the scroll bounce with the overscroll-behavior
Articles I read
- AI Pollution (David Bushell)
- The Glorious End without the Difficult Means (Tim Challies)
- My experience talking at CSS Day 2024 (Kevin Powell)
- Till He Was Strong
- A Father’s Threads of Living Faith
- A Thousand Wheels of Providence
- A Local-first Codebase Opens the Door to More Collaborators (Jim Nielsen)
- Split (Jonathan Snook)
What I watched
- The Two Towers (Theater) – My son and youngest daughter and I attended a Fathom event showing this movie in the theater. It was great to see Middle Earth on the big screen again.
- Gilmore Girls (Netflix)
- The Great British Baking Show Collection 8 (Netflix)
- Bluey (Disney+)
The heat and humidity was too much to walk earlier in the week.
- Wednesday morning – 3.79 miles in 1 hour and 10 minutes
- Thursday morning – 2.09 miles in 38 minutes (I had to take my daughter out so only an abbreviated walk on this day.)
- Friday morning – 3.82 miles in 1 hour and 2 minutes
What I am reading
What I played
FIFA 23 (Manchester City)
Weekly Links 07.01–07.14 – ntdln
July 22nd, 2024
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