Weeknotes 24:21

June 13, 2024

Week of June 2–8

Resume Makeover

I watched Resume Makeover on LinkedIn’s learning platform the previous Friday. This week, I did the hard work of applying what I learned. It took much longer than I had anticipated to revise my resume. I spent the entire week working on it and “finished” it on Friday. My daughter helped me by suggesting edits and allowing me to bounce ideas off her.

At times, it felt quite fragmented as I struggled to get ideas to come together. But eventually, I got there and had a version I could use to apply to some job opportunities at the end of the week. I will continue to polish it and refine it. I am quite happy with the foundation I laid this week that I can build upon.


I started walking in my neighborhood in early March to prepare for my trip to Europe at the end of April. I have continued this discipline after returning home. I have found it to be a helpful discipline in this phase of life as I look for a new work opportunity.

It has been a great walk to get the blood pumping and allow me to think about through the day and to spend time praying. I came up with several ideas for my resume makeover while walking last week. The exercise is a great counter to the stress of the job search.

I walked about 22 miles last week, the most I have walked in one week since I started tracking it on Strava in March. I probably walked more than then while on my European trip but did not track it.

Articles I read

What I watched

Books I am reading


  • Monday morning – 3.82 miles in 1 hour 13 minutes
  • Tuesday morning – 3.38 miles in 1 hour 2 minutes
  • Tuesday night – 3.34 miles in 1 hour 5 minutes (with my son)
  • Wednesday morning – 3.17 miles in 58 minutes
  • Wednesday afternoon – 1.14 miles in 20 minutes (short walk to clear my head after a phone call)
  • Thursday morning – 3.64 miles in 1 hour 7 minutes
  • Friday morning – 3.47 miles in 1 hour 5 minutes

What I played

FIFA 23 (Manchester City)

1 Comment

  1. Weekly Links 06.10–06.16 – ntdln

    June 19th, 2024

    […] Weeknotes 24:21 (Jeff Bridgforth) […]

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