Weeknotes 24:01
January 6, 2024
Week of December 31–January 6
I met the challenge
Last month, I set the challenge to post every day. I am excited to share that met the challenge. And I continued to post into the new year with 4 posts in three days. One of the posts was sharing my takeaways from engaging and meeting the challenge.
I also wrote about my experience with Mastodon as a follow-up to my August post where I grieved the demise of Twitter.
Posts I wrote this week:
- 2023 by the numbers
- Bible reading plans
- Wrapping up “post each day in December” challenge
- Finding new connections through Mastodon
- Scroll animation inspiration
Playing around
After investing so much time in this site over the past month, I would like to freshen up the design. The current design was done in 2012 and was only supposed to be a temporary facelift. I used Sass for the first time when I built the theme. Later, I made it responsive after cutting my teeth with responsive layouts working with Easy Designs.
I started playing around with some typefaces and color schemes early in the week. On Thursday, I copied my current theme and started refactoring that theme using custom properties and creating a light and dark color scheme. After applying some new typefaces and seeing them on the site, I decided I was not happy with the font pairing and ended up choosing another one.
I would like to first update the current site with the new color schemes, typefaces, and responsive type and spacing using Utopia. After the facelift, I want to go back and rewrite the HTML code and continue to refactor the CSS to make it slimmer and more modern. I also want to add some Grid layouts and redo some of the pages.
It was fun to start playing with some ideas that were bouncing around in my head.

Toyota Policy Drivers Gamification
I revisited this project on Friday. I finished the front-end work on the new game hub page in late November and handed it off to another developer on the team to work on back-end code. He finished up his work on Thursday. I took time on Friday to go through the site and add some final polish before we do quality assurance testing next week.
I was able to revisit a layout that I was not completely happy with on smaller screens. I came up with a much better solution that made me happy. I also realized that another component needed some attention. I did not have the images for the slider component when I worked on the page in November. I worked through a couple of different options before coming up with a solution that I was satisfied with.
The project will go to client QA later next week. We are planning to launch the new game hub at the end of the month. You can read more about this project in my weeknote from November.
Articles I read
- 1996 (Rachel Andrew) – A similar post to the one I wrote about when I first learned HTML.
- Once Upon a Browser (Eric Meyer)
- The Happiest Year You Will Ever Know (Tim Challies) – A reflection on a John Newton hymn.
- 2023 in (Brief) Review (Eric Meyer)
- The 2023 that was. (Ethan Marcotte)
- 2023, The Exit Interview (Dan Sinker)
- Things I enjoyed in 2023 (Josh Collinsworth)
- My year in CSS
- The Web is Fantastic (Rob Knight)
- 2023 in review (Rachel Andrew)
- RedZone (Chris Coyier)
- Will Jesus Christ Return in 2024? Why Is This Significant?
- A Prayer for a Christian Husband and Wife To Pray Together (Tim Challies)
- Hail to the Chiefs defense: Second-half shutout secures another AFC West crown (The Athletic)
- The Internet Is About to Get Weird Again (Rolling Stone) – The Indie Web is making a comeback.
- Twenty Twenty-Three (Dave Rupert)
- Better to Ask For Forgiveness Than Permission, Web Dev Style
- Blogging and Composting (Jim Nielsen) – A great idea on what to blog.
- A Subtle Nicety of Fault Tolerance in HTML & CSS (Jim Nielsen)
- 10 Quick and Random Thoughts on Writing
- A Few Ways CSS Is Easier To Write In 2023 (Smashing Magazine)
- An All-Hands Retreat Formula for Success (Viget)
- Oh shit banners (Eric Bailey)
- My Unraveling (New York Magazine)
- 2023 (Brad Frost)
- Background Size Zooming with Scroll-Driven Animations (Frontend Masters)
- TIL: BeMyEyes (Chris Coyier)
- 2023 (Jeremy Keith)
- In Case You Missed It: 2023 (Zach Leatherman)
- How to Start the Year Strong: An Actionable Plan
- Anchors for the Soul: The Cloud of Witnesses and the Crowd of Witnesses
- Tolkien’s Treebeard and the Root Problem of Hastiness
- Tyler’s CSS Wish List for 2024
- Book Review: The Great Dechurching, by Jim Davis & Michael Graham (9 Marks)
- Fine, I’ll Use a Super Basic CSS Processing Setup. (Chris Coyier on Boost Blog by Frontend Masters)
What I watched
CLONE WARS: BATTLE OF THE HEROES – A Star Wars Fan Animation (YouTube)
Why do we walk the Hill? (YouTube)
- Project Runway Season 11 (Prime)
- Bluey (Disney+)
- Gilmore Girls (Netflix)
- Barbie (Prime)
- Percy Jackson and the Olympians (Disney+)
- How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (Prime)
- Season 44 – Atlanta Postmasters House of This Old House
- Season 44 – Newburyport Forever House of This Old House
- Season 44 – 1720 Cape Anne Gambrel of This Old House
Books I am reading
I found out about a deal through Crossway. You can sign up for free for a Plus program that gives you discounts on Crossway products. They had a sale for Crossway+ members to buy ebooks for $2.99 this past week. I was able to buy Digital Liturgies and All The Jesus Commanded. These were books that were on my wishlist and I saved significantly from the prices on Amazon.
- The Loveliest Place: The Beauty and Glory of the Church
- Holier Than Thou – I started this one mid-week.
What I played
MLB The Show 23 (Rays) – I completed a sweep of the Yankees with a 10-6 victory on Sunday. And then I lost the first game of a series to the Tigers on Monday. Austin Meadows was a hero in that game. He was one my favorites to play with on the Rays when I played in 2020.
Weekly Links 01.01–01.07 – ntdln
January 8th, 2024
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