Weeknotes 24:08

February 27, 2024

Week of February 18–24

  • I enjoyed a day off on Monday for President’s Day. I was able to finish up a post on remote work and privately posted another article for myself.
  • I got to interact with a Craft CMS backend as I was doing some exploration for a client project. I built 10 different projects in Craft version 2 in 2015 and 2016. It was nice to revisit the interface and to see how some things had changed and how much of it is the same. It also jogged my memory about how Craft works which was helpful for my team in understanding some of the constraints we need to consider as we propose new solutions to our client.
  • I enjoyed working on an accessibility project for one of our clients. I tested every page of the site in Lighthouse and then addressed the different issues that came up through that audit/testing. I adjusted several heading levels (changing h1 to h2). I added or removed aria labels. I added :focus styles for keyboard navigation. I refactored a modal to use the <dialog> element, which has a lot of accessibility baked into it. I updated an accordion component with aria labels. I also increased the size of the body text on the secondary pages to improve the readability.
  • I built a prototype based on one of the design elements for a client project that will move into development later next week or the following week. It gave me the chance to learn and play with something new to me. It is nice to have these “sandbox” moments to explore and evaluate the things you are thinking about. It was helpful to be able to interact with the designer and realize that he was envisioning it a bit differently than I understood. Much nicer to have these conversations now and be able to keep iterating.

Articles I read

Books I am reading

What I watched

1 Comment

  1. Weekly Links 02.26–03.03 – ntdln

    March 11th, 2024

    […] Weeknotes 24:08 (Jeff Bridgforth) […]