Weeknotes 19:20
December 8, 2019
Week of December 1-7
It was hard to get back into the routine after having time off over the holidays the previous week. And it felt like that time off went way to quick. I somehow was able to focus and get some work done on Monday. At the end of the day, I was able to enjoy several things like playing FIFA 20, watching an episode of Agent Carter on Disney Plus and read a chapter in Creativity, Inc.

And then death disrupted the evening. Our pet guinea pig, Blaze, died unexpectedly. She went very quickly and it was a shock to all of us. Back in August, our other guinea pig, Blizzard, had passed away. But that was a process over a couple of days. But with Blaze, we had no indication that her life was coming to an end. Just the day before, we had her out playing on the floor of my son’s bedroom. She had been such a comfort to us after Blizzard had left us. So it was a very sad week for our family.
- I shipped several projects late in the week and had a soft launch of a site redesign.
- I enjoyed reading several books this week (Creativity, Inc, Free to Focus and Range). My local library bought Range after I made a request for it. I found out that it will be the next book we read for our LGND book club (currently reading Creativity, Inc.).
- I read a chapter in Creativity, Inc about fear and failure. I would like to take the time to write up some thoughts that I had as I read the chapter thinking about feedback and the QA process. I am grateful for the culture of my current team.
- Speaking of my team, I had a milestone this week. I celebrated my one year anniversary of joining LGND as a full-time employee. I would like to write up some of my thoughts about working with this team over the past year.
- I read an article about the toxic culture at Away. It reminded me of the book Disrupted that I read two years ago. I am glad that I have never worked at a startup before. I know that not all startups are like this but I have read about enough of them to know that I would not like working in that type of environment.
- I watched Testing Keyboard Accessibility using the Firefox Accessibility Inspector early in the week. Another great practical video from Mozilla Developers that I put into use on a project this week.
- As I was going through my feeds on Monday morning, I noticed that Andy Clarke announced Transcending CSS Revisited. And at the top of the post was a testimonial I had written for him and mentioned last week in my weeknotes. You can read Transcending CSS Revisited online for free or buy a PDF/ePub version that includes some commentary on how he would solve several of his examples with today’s tools.