Weeknotes 24:26

December 15, 2024

Week of December 8–14

AI is not the solution to accessibility

I read a very interesting article by Ashlee M Boye about a11y.ai. Ashlee shares her outrage about a generative AI tool that is trying to represent disabled people and their perspectives. She addresses several statements made on the tool’s site and why she disagrees with the premise behind the statements and that anyone or anything can represent disabled people other than disabled.

“AI is being sold as some magical solution to the poor state of web accessibility, and there are times when I can’t just sit by and watch misinformation be spread about AI and accessibility.

“I’m an accessibility consultant, multiply disabled, and rely on web accessibility. And it really sucks to watch people reach for AI tools SO QUICKLY over the much more credible and reliable accessibility expertise of disabled people, especially disabled people like myself who do this work for a living.”

Her conclusion:

“AI is not the path to fixing inaccessibility or understanding web accessibility specifications. The path to understanding is hiring disabled people and hiring web accessibility experts. If you find someone who is both, you’ve hit the jackpot.”

Apple Keyboard and Magic Mouse

These are the kind of conversations I have missed in the better days of Twitter.

Ahmad Shadeed


It’s been two months since I stopped using my Logitech MX [Keys/Master] mouse and keyboard for my mac.

I feel much faster using the Apple magic mouse and keyboard.

Not sure if I’m the only one, but I didn’t like them

Jeff Bridgforth


I still use my Apple keyboard and a Magic Mouse. I switched to a Logitech trackball for a season but Magic Mouse just feels like an extension of my hand. Always worked out well for me.

Ahmad Shadeed


Same here! It just feels natural to me.

December 15, 2024 at 9:53 AM

Celebrating CSS

Link to CSS is Awesome Game livestream on December 17 at 1 pm ET

I am looking forward to celebrating CSS’s birthday by watching Oddbird’s “CSS is Awesome Game.” I like the fact that I share a birthday with CSS since it has been my core competency as a Web professional. The livestream is happening Tuesday, December 17 at 1 pm ET.

Articles I read

What I watched

Laufey on being called Gen Z’s jazz icon – I enjoyed this interview with Laufey.

  • Chiefs-Chargers (NBC) – Another crazy game with the Chiefs. Glad that they keep finding a way to win.
  • Starting Five (Netflix)
  • NCIS (Netflix)
  • Man on the Inside (Netflix)
  • Skeleton Crew (Disney+)
  • M*A*S*H* (MeTV) – I saw the episode where Harry Morgan plays a crazy general. This was years before he played the beloved Colonel Potter.

Books I am reading

What I listened to

Stray Kids HOP – new album dropped on Friday


  • Sunday – 3.54 miles
  • Monday – 1.4 miles – I was not able to walk far this day. I had not eaten lunch and the granola bar didn’t give me enough energy so I went home and ate lunch.
  • Wednesday – 4.21 miles
  • Thursday – 3.14 miles
  • Friday – 5.13 miles – My personal best in Strava. I was feeling good so I decided to push for 5 miles.

What I played

  • MLB The Show 23 (Rays)
  • NBA Live 18 – I played Rockets against the Hawks and won. I have not played this game in a long time.

1 Comment

  1. Weekly Links 12.02–12.08 – ntdln

    December 17th, 2024

    […] Weeknotes 24:26 (Jeff Bridgforth) […]

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