Track 29

January 15, 2013

Monday started a new chapter in my career on the Web. I am excited to be teaming up with Aaron Gustafson and his wife Kelly by joining Easy Designs as their senior front-end developer.

My first encounter with Aaron was through his book, Adaptive Web Design. Several people that I respect in the industry had recommended it and I bought it shortly after it was released a year and a half ago.

Veerle Pieters


Want to work with @AaronGustafson? if you are a front end gal/guy here’s your chance: [link to Authentic Jobs posting]

August 13, 2012

When I saw Veerle’s tweet in August, I was instantly interested. Aaron had gained my respect through his writing so I knew that I wanted to explore this opportunity to see where it would lead. I was thrilled when they expressed their interest.

My respect for Aaron and Kelly continued to grow over the next four months as we interacted over the phone, email, and finally face-to-face in December. They run a solid business and work on some exciting projects. Each time I talked with them, I knew that I wanted to be a part of it.

My family will be relocating to Chattanooga, Tennessee later this spring. We are all excited for the new chapter in our lives and look forward to falling in love with our new home later this year.

I am still working on building a microsite that tells more of the story. It has been fun to retrace the steps and see God’s leading in our life.

Read Aaron’s introduction on Easy Designs’ blog

For those of you who don’t understand the post title, it is a reference to the song, Chattanooga Choo-Choo. It is a song I have been thinking about a lot lately. We visited the attraction when we visited Chatt in December.

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