thirtyonethree :: Launch of a new theme
October 23, 2006
I am excited to launch a new theme/look to this website finally. I was inspired this summer by Exodus 31:3. Bezalel was a craftsman filled with the Holy Spirit to make “artistic designs” in the building of the Tabernacle. Craftsman is the word I would use to describe myself. And I hope that as I do my job, I am trusting in God and living out the Spirit-filled life as I work on designs or work out Web solutions for the many sites that I maintain and evolve.
The color scheme comes Natalie Jost’s PantoneFall06 scheme from ColorSchemer (no longer available). It was inspired by Pantone’s Fall Color report. I have not used much neutral colors in my designs so I thought I would branch out a bit.
The photo is of Thorncrown Chapel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. It is one of my favorite pieces of architecture. It is a thing of beauty and an awesome sacred space. I love the cathedrals of Europe and Thorncrown captures the feel on a smaller scale.
I have been working on this design off and on since July. I finally worked out some of the bugs with CSS and launched it this morning. I still have some ideas I want to explore but now I have a working starting point. A big reason I have this website/blog is to explore and play around.

See an archived version of this design on the Internet Archive