This picture came up in my Facebook memories this morning. We bought three guinea pigs on this day four years ago after saying goodbye to two piggie friends at the end of 2019. We were so excited to have piggies in the house again.
When we went to the pet store, I told the kids not to get attached to any of the pigs right away because we needed to check them out and make sure they weren’t sick.
I ignored that advice and fell in love right away with a cream, brown, and white pig that we named Butterscotch.
We had a lot of fun with them when we brought them home and sat in a circle. They enjoyed exploring their new surroundings and we enjoyed seeing their individual personalities as they interacted with us.
Unfortunately, one of the pigs was sick. Pumpkin Spice (pictured above in the middle) had a respiratory infection. She seemed to get better and then her health crashed quickly about three weeks later and she died in my son’s arms. Butterscotch also had health issues and was only with us for nine months.
Teddy, our Abyssinian Guinea Pig, is still with us today and is such a joy. She was the most timid of the three when we first got them. But she warmed up and is very affectionate. I love it when she licks my face. Happy pig-aversary, Teddy!