
January 17, 2025 View single note

I completed a 50K walking challenge on Strava today. The challenge was to walk 50K (31.1 miles) in the month of January. I have walked 32 miles this month so far and hope to double that before the end of the month.

January 2, 2025 View single note

“Writing is the superpower of humankind. It is our truest form of magic.

“Writing allows you to conjure up something of value where nothing previously existed. It costs little for you to write down the lessons of your life and yet those few minutes spent writing can be life-altering for the right reader. As I once saw it put: “there is someone out there with a wound in the exact shape of your words.

“Furthermore, writing is the foundation of nearly every technology and innovation because we have to record what we know before we can build upon it. And these innovations are passed down from generation to generation, allowing our children to inherit a richer intellectual fortune than what we were born into. The world is richer because we write and nobody is made poorer in the process.”

– James Clear, 3-2-1 Thursday, January 2, 2025

January 2, 2025 View single note

I finally figured out how to add an audio file to my notification sounds on my phone. It is music they play at Hungarian train stations to alert people to announcements.background.

December 28, 2024 View single note
Poster of the movie, War of the Rohirrim

I went to see The War of the Rohirrim last night with my kids. We were going to go last week for my birthday but had to change plans. I enjoyed the movie and I felt like it fit well into the LOTR world and represented the culture of Rohan well. I liked that Miranda Otto (Eowyn) narrated the story. It was a nice tie in to the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Selfie of me and my three kids waiting to watch War of the Rohirrim in the movie theater.
December 23, 2024 View single note

For some reason, I thought about the time we saw Frozen in theaters with our kids this morning while taking a shower. Maybe one of the songs came to mind. Not sure why I started thinking about it.

An hour later while looking at my Facebook memories, I discovered that we saw the movie on this day 11 years ago. Wild coincidence that I had the thought earlier in the day.

December 19, 2024 View single note

I love this time lapse video of Budapest. It came up in my Facebook memories this past week. I visited a majority of the locations in the video on my trip this past April.

December 19, 2024 View single note
Poster for Interstellar 10th Anniversary IMAX Exclusive Limited Engagement

I enjoyed seeing Interstellar in IMAX® last night with two of my kids. I had seen it 5 years ago with my son on our TV. It was great to experience in IMAX® and I had fun hanging out with my kids.

Selfie of me, my son, and my youngest daughter in an IMAX theater before seeing Interstellar.
December 18, 2024 View single note

I noticed that I was getting a lot of traffic to my recent post on reacquainting myself with Craft. Based on the source of the traffic, I deduced that the post must have been featured in an email newsletter. I was thinking it might be the Craft CMS newsletter–because I had mentioned them on Bluesky when I publicized the reacquainting post. But I had not received the newsletter in my inbox so I could not confirm.

Screenshot of Craft CMS newsletter email linking to a post I wrote a couple of weeks ago about getting reacquainted with Craft.

I was checking my email while waiting for the Interstellar at an IMAX theater and saw the newsletter in my inbox. I confirmed that the Craft CMS newsletter was the source of the increase in traffic for that article.

December 7, 2024 View single note

My daughter is a big Laufey fan. She was able to see her in concert in Nashville in April. My daughter has made me into a fan. Today, my wife, daughter, and I went to see Laufey’s A Night at the Symphony: Hollywood Bowl at the movie theater. It was filmed earlier this year and included commentary by Laufey at different parts of the film. We all enjoyed hearing her perform along with the LA Philharmonic.

The start of the film included a trivia game. I got one of the questions right.
December 3, 2024 View single note

I like that the latest Smashing Magazine newsletter greeted me in Hungarian. Jó estét translates to “good evening.” They do a random greeting in each newsletter. I think it is the first time I have seen Hungarian.

November 27, 2024 View single note
Selfie of my son and myself at UTC basketball game. We are in the foreground with the court in the background and a Jumbotron at the top just off to the left.

My son and I watched a Chattanooga Mocs men’s basketball game this afternoon. It was his idea and it was fun to hang out with him on his first full day home for Thanksgiving break.

November 19, 2024 View single note
Picture looking down the street in my neighborhood. The sky has a purple tint. Trees in the foreground and street lights in the background.

The sky had a pink and then purple tint as the sun was going down on this rainy overcast day. According to one source that I saw: “the colors are the result of the angle of the sunlight, and how it passes through raindrops and particulates, which scatter the light.”