March 14, 2023
While growing up in Texas, I enjoyed my mother’s buttermilk biscuits made from “scratch” every morning for breakfast. But there was not a single ingredient in those biscuits that I would have enjoyed by itself. And even after they were mixed together, I would not have cared for the raw biscuit dough. Only after they were mixed together in the right proportions by my mother’s skillful hands and then subjected to the fire of the oven were they ready to be enjoyed for breakfast.

Trusting God by Jerry Bridges

I remember this passage from when I first read this book in college. The larger context is that Bridges was discussing how God takes all the events in our life–both good and bad–to work together for our ultimate good. This illustration really brought the point home to me.

I remember reading this passage laying on a couch in San Diego while on a Campus Crusade for Christ summer project.