Narnia Personality

December 8, 2005

I did a Google search to find “Narnia” personality tests. I did not find as many as I would have thought. Here is what I found:

  • – I tested as Tirian – you are valiant, brave and loyal. While you may have a silly name, you help others in the face of adversity and always uphold what is right.
  • (no longer available) – Not real impressed with this one. I was a “Lucy.”

I was once told by a teammate that I reminded them of Puddleglum. I had not read the books at that point. After I read the books, I was not sure what I thought. She was thinking about how the character could be melancholy but when faith was needed or truth needed to be spoken, Puddleglum stepped up to the plate. I guess that does describe me. I cannot remember much about Tirian. I believe he was the last king of Narnia in The Last Battle. (I just Googled the name and confirmed that he was the last king.)

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