Current Readings, February 23, 2005

February 23, 2005

  • Hearing God – I just started Dallas Willard’s book, Hearing God, last night. I have seen it before and I have read two other of his books that form a loose series. The book is about a conversational relationship with God. I was interested in it recently after seeing a recommendation from John Elderedge, who is another author I like. Joh had explored the theme briefly in his latest book, Wakening the Dead. I was also interested in the book because of my recent experience of God directing us to go to Hungary this summer.
  • Searching for God Knows What by Donald Miller – I had enjoyed Donald’s first book, Blue Like Jazz. He has an interesting style. I would describe him as being very authentic and reflective. I can relate somewhat to his style but not necessarily to his viewpoints. But he is refreshing and he is willing to tackle topics that others would not touch. This book is somewhat similar to the Dallas Willard book in that it is exploring the relational aspect of knowing God. Donald is challenging the popular evangelical viewpoint that you following God is about following formulas. I am only two chapters into the book but I am enjoying it very much.

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