Current Readings, February 15, 2005

February 15, 2005

I like to read. I am usually reading several different books at once. Being an introvert, reading is something that refreshes me. I enjoy learning and God has used a lot of helpful books to help me grow in my relationship to Him. Here is a sampling of my current reading.

  • Content Critical by Gerry McGovern – I am reading this book for my job. I develop websites for Campus Crusade for Christ. One of the reasons I am doing a blog is because of this book. I thought it would be good to check it out. I have found this book very helpful in thinking about Web design.
  • The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien – The Lord of the Ring is by far my favorite story. I get so much from it each time I read it. I am currently reading it for the fourth time along with my wife, Anne. I think there is a lot of deep spiritual truth that has helped me in my own journey.
  • Questioning Evangelism by Randy Newman – I am enjoying this book that gives some new strategies to sharing the gospel with today’s audience. The author talks about answering questions with questions much like Jesus did in His encounters with people in His time. I have found it helpful to think about how to cause people to question the assumptions behind their beliefs. I look forward to trying some of the author’s suggestions as I have opportunities to talk to people about Jesus.
  • The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player by John Maxwell – I bought this book because of my new job. I am going to have to be working more with others on Web projects. I have worked primarily as a one-man team for the past 5 years. I feel like I need to grow in this area and so far this book has been helpful and challenging.
  • Your Money Counts by Howard Dayton – I recently read this book for a Bible study that my wife and I are going through. It is a great book that gives an overview of God’s principles for money. We have been challenged by the study and really enjoyed the fellowship of our group. The study is by Crown Financial Ministries.

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